Social media is undoubtedly one of the best platforms for B2B brands to increase their visibility. It helps create brand awareness, educate and inform the target audience, and gain trust and reliability. Therefore, creating high-quality and authentic social media content should be a crucial part of every firm’s B2B business plan. If you are also on the lookout for social media content ideas, this is a must-read blog post. Continue reading to learn about the top social media content ideas for B2B businesses. 

10 B2B Social Media Content Ideas

B2B firms can use social media to humanize their brand and make it more relatable to their target audience. People are always looking for new and interesting content on social media, so you can use business playbooks to create and post authentic and relevant content to make your business thrive. Here we are sharing 10 social media content ideas that you can use to boost the social media strategy of your B2B business. 

1. Short videos on stories

According to the statistics, almost 800 million people engage with stories every day. It gives a feel of exclusivity to the people. So, businesses should post regular stories on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected with their target audience. You can post BTS stories or share your views on trending topics relevant to your industry. 

2. Behind the scenes

It is one of the most popular forms of content businesses post on various social media platforms to engage their audiences. Behind-the-scenes or BTS videos let you show your business candidly, which builds trust and allows your audience to see your business from a different perspective. You can share the BTS in the form of stories, reels, or separate video posts. 

3. Explainer videos 

People love watching video content more than reading text-based posts on social media. As a result, video content is popular among B2B marketers to increase the brand’s visibility. You can make videos to introduce your products or explain any complex topic related to your business. People on the internet prefer quick and informative videos, so when you plan B2B marketing strategies, you must invest your time and efforts in explainer videos.  

4. FAQs as social media posts 

People always have multiple questions about a business, and answering them repeatedly can be a time-consuming task. So, you can create social media posts answering frequently asked questions (FAQs) about your business, products, or services. It will save you time as you will not have to keep answering similar questions, and people will find answers to their questions quickly. 

5. Social conversation 

Starting a social conversation is a good and interactive idea for social media content that helps increase your social media engagement. It will also help you understand your target audience or clients. Conversations help build a relationship that leads to sales in the long term. You can do a poll on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to keep the engagement high.

6. Animation and GIFs

Animation and GIFs are popular among various types of businesses because they capture people’s attention on social media. GIFs are short and silent videos consisting of short animations that help convey emotions or certain messages to the audience. Posting one or two relevant GIFs daily on your social media platforms can help increase your social media engagement. You can also post funny GIFs related to your business. 

7. Share success stories

If you want potential brands to partner with you in their future projects, you must impress them with your achievements. Sharing success stories, company milestones, and achievements is one of the best social media content ideas. You can also use B2B marketing playbook products for creating and posting this type of content in an interesting and unique style. Don’t forget to share with people about the awards you receive because it will help them discover more about your firm. It will also increase people’s trust in your brand, and you will get new clients. 

8. Client testimonials 

When you tell people about your services and products, they may not believe you. But when your clients share their experience of working with you, people want to know more about it. As a result, client testimonials are a popular content format. It should not be limited to blogs and websites. Rather, you must share your clients’ experiences on social media platforms to attract new clients. You can also record short interviews with your clients to share them on Twitter or Instagram. 

9. Holiday content 

Another way to attract a large number of social media engagements is by posting social media content about holidays and celebrations. You can think of unique and creative content ideas for Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Independence Day. There are two types of social media content you get from the holidays: the first type is a simple post wishing people happy holidays(such as “Happy Labor Day”), and the other is sharing the celebration pictures and videos. For example, if you celebrate Christmas or Halloween in your organization, share a glimpse of it on social media as live videos, recorded videos, or photos, and it will draw attention to your brand. Pro tip: you can customize the holiday content based on your locality to connect with the right audience. 

10. Company event content 

If you host or participate in any business event, you can post about it on social media. You should take pictures and record videos of the event and later post them on social media with engaging captions. It is an easy and effective idea for social media content because showcasing prestigious events helps increase your branding and credibility. 

Partner with Company Expert to Build a Social Media Strategy for Your B2B Business 

Now that you are familiar with the importance of B2B social media content for business growth, you must optimize your B2B social media strategy. You can take advantage of the content ideas shared in this post to create engaging and effective content. But do not forget to evaluate what works and what does not work for your business so that you can build a successful strategy accordingly. 

You can also get the assistance of a reputed B2B consulting firm like Company Expert to create engaging content for social media platforms. We offer full-service marketing services and can support all of your marketing activities. Our team of specialists will plan, execute, and track your social marketing strategies. Want to learn more about our services? Visit our website and schedule a free consultation now!