Recommendations To Optimize Their Organizations
Efficiency And Effectiveness Levers Assessed And Scored
Plan And Roadmap To Optimize The Sales Organization
Improving Sales Efficiency and Effectiveness
Our client had an underperforming sales organization and they wanted a firm to assess the current state of their sales organization and make recommendation for improvement.
A clear picture (via a heat map) of the client’s current state was developed through a series of detailed interviews, senior management discussions, and client data and documentation. The information was gathered then organized and summarized by utilizing our 5 key levers for Sales Effectiveness and our 5 key levers for Sales Efficiency. Based upon their current state and where they wanted to take the organization, over 150 recommendations were developed. To focus the organization on the most important recommendations, we used Company Expert’s scoring methodology – e.g., cost, impact, and execution confidence to further define and prioritize the list and sequenced these recommendations in a 2-year roadmap. We sequenced in the smaller list of recommendations into a multi-year roadmap.
- Sales Maturity Curve
- 150+ Recommendations That Were Scored and Sequenced into a Transformation Roadmap
- Assessment and Heat Map of Their Sales Efficiency and Effectiveness Levers
- Interview and Survey Summaries
- Deep Analytical Reports to Help Inform the Roadmap
- Current State Assessment With 5 Major Key Them